Three years of web development

Three years of web development

Yesterday (March 12th) marked my three year anniversary as a web developer. I started out with courses on Codecademy and freeCodeCamp(); and over the years I have learned quite a bit. It has been a fun journey and a hobby that got me through the pandemic and some pretty rough family times too.

In the last few months though I have been working towards transitioning web development as a hobby into a career. As I read through job postings and multiple websites I kept reading over and over "Ruby on Rails experience required". I also kept coming across other devs talking about Ruby on Rails and how it compared to other frameworks that I was using...

So, I took it as a sign that I should begin learning Ruby On Rails and when better to start than on my 3rd coding anniversary? The Go Rails site has a wonderful tutorial series and in less than 24 hours I had a site running on Heroku that utilizes Tailwind CSS too boot!

It is still rough around the edges but like all my sites it is a work in progress. Another site I started a few months ago is looking pretty nice Go check them both out.

I am excited to see what the next year brings in my journey as a web developer. I have dabbled in a lot of languages and frameworks. There is so much cool stuff out there to discover in the wide world of the web. See you out there!!!